If you are someone who is in the market for a used vehicle; but happens to be on a tight budget, an online auto auction may be your answer! Online auto auctions are just like live auctions, except you can bid from the comfort of your own home.
Read on to learn all the benefits to using an online car auction to buy used vehicles for sale in your area.

Online Auto Auctions Save Money
Bidding for cars online has many rewards, the best of which being the savings. It is amazing how cheap you can find certain vehicles with online car auctions. You can find deals that are unbelievable, winning bids on cars for nearly 90% off their value. Along with extremely low rate possibilities, at-home car shopping is more comfortable than the fast paced live auctions you are used to.
Comfort and Ease of Internet Car Auctions
Not only can you bid in your pajamas if you like, there are other comforts that go along with online auto auctioning. When you find a car you like at a live auction, you may have trouble getting reliable and accurate information about the vehicle.
On the other hand, online auctions allow a person to check out the vehicles information directly on their screen. They can view the vehicles’ VIN, as well as, information about the car’s history and current condition. You cannot always trust a salesman at a live auction. But other times, you can if you are in a trusted venue.
Minor Cons to Online Auto Auctioning
In comes cases, certain sites charge a one-time membership fee, usually around 10-20 dollars. This allows you full access to their site and services. Although you have to pay a fee, it is usually a sign that it is a trusted website that does legitimate business and offers great quality products. Another possible con to online auto auctions is having to trust what you see.
At a live car auction, you can physically see the vehicle you like, and inspect it in person. With online services, you have to simply trust what the picture shows you. In most cases, the websites are honest and as true as they can be with the images and vehicles for sale. Researching different auto auctions companies is the best way to determine which one is the best to do business with in your area.
Zore’s Towing Auto Auctions

For more information about auto auctions in Indianapolis, Indiana, call Zore’s Towing today! We are professionals in the auto auction business and offer the best quality vehicles and the largest inventory around! Our services are professional and organized, and offered once a month. On the last Wednesday of every month at 4:00 pm, we hold an outstanding Indianapolis auto auction on our company grounds, as well as, online! Contact us at 317-247-8484 to learn more!