Continue reading to learn what you should do before sending your car off on a long distance tow.
❶ Insure It
If your car is not already insured, it needs to be! Be sure to double check with your automotive insurance carrier to ensure that your policy is still active and that you are covered. You may want to add on additional, temporary insurance coverage for long distance tows. This will provide coverage in out of state areas.
❷ Clean It
Although you will likely clean it again after it arrives at your final destination, cleaning your car before a long distance trip can reduce the buildup that occurs while on the road. This helps preserve the luster of the paint, as well as, prevent premature rusting. So give your car a good, thorough cleaning, inside and out. There is no need to have it detailed; a simple interior and exterior clean will do the trick.
❸ Service It
If your car will be in tow longer than 3 or 4 weeks, you may need to change the oil beforehand. Failing to do so can result in engine damage caused by harmful contaminants in used engine oil. It is also a good idea to fill up the tank with gas. Not only does this provide convenience since it will be ready to use upon arrival, it protects the fuel tank by preventing excess moisture and preserving its inner seals. If you are towing your vehicle on a dolly, be sure the tire pressure is at the right levels and inflate them as needed. Last, be sure the battery is fully charged.
❹ Inspect It
If using a professional long distance tow company, it is wise to inspect your vehicle for damage and record your findings. This way, you can compare the condition of your vehicle prior to and upon arrival. Take pictures of any existing damage, and most importantly, have the vehicle inspected by a professional mechanic to check for leaks, mechanical problems, and more.