Whether or not your auto insurance will cover towing fees depends on a few factors, namely the reason behind your need for a tow truck. Continue reading to learn when car insurance might pay for towing expenses, when they might not, and what to do if you are looking for cheap tow truck assistance in central Indiana.

Limited Liability Car Insurance Coverage
Do you have a limited liability car insurance policy? If so, it is not likely that your carrier will cover your tow truck expenses. Instead, you will have to pay for towing yourself. There is an exception to this rule, however. If you need a tow truck because you are in a car accident that was not your fault, the other driver’s insurance should cover your vehicle damages, including any related towing expenses.
Although you might have to pay out-of-pocket at first, upon filing a claim with the other driver’s insurance company, you should receive a reimbursement for everything. Keep in mind, most reimbursement caps are around $50. So, if towing fees exceed the insurance company’s reimbursement, you will have to pay any additional fees beyond.
Auto Insurance Policies Differ
Be warned, not all car insurance policies cover towing, even if the client is in a car accident that’s not their fault. It varies from carrier to carrier. This is why it’s important to check with your insurance policy representative to ensure that you have a clear understanding of what’s covered and what’s not covered in the case of an accident or needed repair.
In the case that towing is not covered under your automotive insurance policy, it is likely that you can add it to your coverage. Most car insurance companies offer towing insurance, but it is not often included in a limited liability or even comprehensive car insurance policy.
Roadside Assistance Coverage
Some car insurance policies may offer roadside assistance coverage, either included in a full coverage policy or as an add-on to a base policy. This coverage typically comes with a limit, which is something you always want to ask about when shopping around for auto insurance. Roadside assistance coverage isn’t always included in full coverage car insurance policies, so you have to add it to your policy.
If roadside assistance coverage is too expensive to add to your base policy, you can purchase roadside assistance on an as-needed basis from local businesses that provide such services, or you can become a member of an automotive club that provides roadside assistance customer service.
Examples of Roadside Assistance:
▶ Tire Changes in Repairs
▶ Refueling Services
▶ Jump Starts and Dead Battery Replacement
▶ Motor Oil Refills for Overheating Engines
▶ Key Retrieval for Locked Cars
▶ And More
How Much are Towing Fees?
Towing fees depend on several factors, from your towing destination and vehicle type to the mileage your car is towed, the difficulty of the tow, and more. For simple tows, fees can range between $3 and $18 per mile, but reach as high as $25 per mile, plus additional fees if your car is taken to the towing impound lot. There, you can incur storage fees and more. If you are having your vehicle towed to an auto body shop or your home, you can expect towing fees to be lower.
Are you looking for truly affordable and highly dependable towing in Central Indiana? Contact Zore’s Towing for 24 hour roadside assistance and tow truck service in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We provide towing, recovery, equipment transport, car lockout service, flat tire service, jump starts, refueling, and more!
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