One of the most common questions drivers have in regards to towing has to do with ball mounts, hitches, and hitch balls. When a person buys a new ball mount, they often wonder which accessories they need to purchase along with it. Continue reading to learn more about ball mounts and hitches, and who to call for towing service and advice you can trust.
Ball Mounts
Ball mounts are commonly referred to as draw bars or stingers. They are the piece connected to the receiver that holds the hitch ball. They are a long, hollow square tube with a curved plate bolted at the end. The curved plate is the piece that holds the hitch ball. The come is a wide range of sizes and drop/lift levels, each fitting a certain type of trailer ball. Many are reversible, making them capable of providing drop and lift by simple turning them upside down.
Towing Accessories
The accessories that connect the ball mount to the receiver and keeps it in place are the hitch pins and clips. These are inserted through pre-made holes in the square-end of the ball mount that allows the pins and clips to hold the ball mount to the receiver. It is recommended to always use a hitch lock to prevent trailer theft.
What You Need
When you purchase a ball mount, most generally come with a hitch ball, hitch pin, and hitch clip. For this reason, there is usually no need to purchase extra towing accessories when all you need is a ball mount. However, it is highly recommended to buy a hitch lock, as mentioned before, to prevent people from simply removing the hitch pin and clip, and riding off with your trailer. Also, it is important to always use safety chains no matter which class receiver you are using. These ensure added safety and maneuverability on the road.
For professional towing advice or service, contact a local wrecker company with experience. An experienced and established towing company can provide the safest and most secure towing services for any type of vehicle, bike, equipment, and more.