Since spring is here, we must keep in mind that rain is soon to come; and probably a lot of it!

24 Hour Roadside Assistance 317-247-8484
Furthermore, these scenarios are all very likely during springtime, which is why you need to be proactive about your windshield wipers right now.
Just Think…
Could you imagine losing visibility at 60 miles an hour? What about with kids in the car? With these scenarios, you can quickly see why windshield wipers are an incredibly vital safety component that protects ourselves and our passengers while driving on the road.
For these reasons, it is important to: 1) Maintain sufficient levels of windshield wiper fluid in your vehicle, 2) Carry a backup bottle of windshield wiper fluid in your vehicle at all times, and 3) Pay attention to your windshield wiper quality. Because after some time, they do need replaced.
Windshield Wiper Replacement
You should inspect your wipers on a regular basis to ensure that the plastic and rubber is still in good condition. You should replace windshield wipers when they begin to show signs of deterioration or decline in performance. But in terms of how often they should be replaced, it will largely depend on your region’s climate and environmental factors.
Cold Frigid Climate – 6 Month Inspections – Replace 1x Year
Dry Dusty Climate – 1 Month Inspections – Replace 2x Year
To replace your windshield wipers, you will need to purchase new blades. You can find them at any local hardware or automotive store, priced between $10 and $30, on average. Ask the sales associate for help choosing the proper blades, or consult your vehicle’s owners’ manual. Once you have your new blades, you are ready to get started. Remember, if you do not feel comfortable doing this yourself, have a professional do it for you.
How To Begin:
❶ Remove the Old Blades. Lift the existing arm from the windshield and push-in the small tab located on its underside where the wiper meets the arm. Once you have pushed in this tab, slide the wiper blade off by pulling the center towards the bottom of the arm.
❷ Line Up the New Blade. Line up the new wiper blade with the wiper arm by moving the hook on the wiper arm over the plastic clip on the new blade.
❸ Pull it Tight and Click it. You must pull the blade tight onto the arm so that it does not fly off while driving. Be sure you hear the clicking sound that indicates your blade is attached.
If you find yourself stuck in the middle of a storm without decent or functional windshield wipers, contact an Indianapolis roadside assistance service for help getting back on the road, safely.
Professional Roadside Assistance in Indianapolis

Indianapolis Roadside Assistance 317-247-8484