No one likes to panic. But there is really no better way to describe the feeling you get when you walk out to the parking lot, only to discover that your car has been moved from its spot. Has it been stolen? Was your car towed? Maybe you just forgot where you parked it, as doubtful as that may be. Hence, the panic. But not to worry, there is an easy way to figure out where your car has been taken. If you think it was towed in Indianapolis.
Continue reading to learn and easy step-by-step guide to get you through this challenging and ease your stress.

Guide to Locating a Car That Has Been Towed
Before contacting the police and reporting your car stolen, first determine if there is a chance your car has been towed. There is an easy way to do this as long as you know what to look for. Start by looking around the spot that you’ve parked.
Look for a Company Towing Sign
Do you see any signs posted to light poles or sides of buildings or even on the pavement? Typically, these signs will have information on them about the Indianapolis towing company on duty that monitors and manages the parking lot. These signs should have all the necessary contact information on how to retrieve a towed vehicle from their complex.
If you see a sign nearby the area that you parked, and that sign says that the area is a No Parking zone between certain hours, think about when you were parked there. Perhaps you violated the parking spot time limit? If you had to pay a meter and the meter ran out, your car could have been towed because of that. In such a case, there should be a sign on the meter or nearby the meter with information about how to retrieve your car after it has been towed.
Were you parked during the proper parking hours? Was your meter filled up? If so, your car might’ve been towed because your license plates were expired or because it was obstructing another vehicle. These are common city violations that serve as a basis for towing.
No Obvious Parking Violations?
Have no idea why your car was towed? Not to worry; simply contact the phone number on the towing sign near the spot your car was towed. They should have all of the information you need to retrieve your car from their impound. Be prepared to pay a fine, which might be required in cash.
Can’t Find a Towing Sign?
If you cannot find a sign near the parking spot where your car was towed, go inside a nearby business establishment and ask them for the property management towing company information. You can also use an online vehicle locator website, but these are typically not free. If you choose this route, you will need the vehicle identification number (VIN) and the license plate number.
Do you want to skip the hassle of figuring out where your towed car is and go straight to the most helpful professionals in Indiana? Contact Zore’s Towing at 317-247-8484 or Toll Free at 1-800-523-7304 to request towed car information guidance. If your car was towed, we will know where it is and how to get it out.
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