Continue reading to learn how to remove a nail from a tire and repair a hole using a
tire patching or plug kit.
Tire Plug Kits
A tire plug kit can be purchased at most automotive stores or stores with an automotive section or department. They are generally inexpensive, ranging anywhere in price from $10 up to $50 or more, depending on the brand and size of the kit. For anyone with an emergency car kit, a tire patching kit is a smart addition. In fact, many store-bought emergency roadside assistance kits contain tire patching tools and products.
There are various brands and styles of tire patch kits, but most should or generally include a needle-hole applicator tool, a reaming tool, a set of repair strips, and rubber cement. Larger tire patching kits may include additional items and parts. But the mentioned accessories should be all you need for a simple nail removal and hole repair. Here is a list of the tools you will need for both tasks:
• Socket Wrench
• Car Jack
• Knife
• Pliers
• Tire Patch Kit
Here’s How to Get Started:
1. Lift the vehicle off the ground with the car jack.
2. Remove the damaged tire.
3. Use pliers to pull out the nail or other shrapnel.
4. Apply a few drops of rubber cement to the reaming tool.
5. Widen the hole using a twisting motion with the reaming tool. Do Not Over-Ream!
6. Remove a plug strip and insert it into the needle-hole plug tool so that its length is even on both sides.
7. Apply the rubber cement to all areas of the repair strip and the tip of the plug tool.
8. Insert the plug all the way into the reamed tire hole.
9. Now remove the plug tool.
10. Cut off any remaining portions of the plug.
11. Allow the rubber cement to dry completely.
12. Re-attach the tire.
13. Re-fill the tire with air.
14. All Done!